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The Barcelona’’92 Olympic Torch followed a route that emulated Catalonia’’s Greek history. In keeping with tradition, it left Olympia on 5 June 1992 for Empúries, the first Greek colony on the Iberian Peninsula, located near the municipality of L’’Escala. Advantage was taken of this to restore not only the complex of historic ruins of that first settlement, but also a coastal footpath, where a memorial monument is located.

From Empúries, the Torch began its journey across Spain, first westwards via the northern part of the country towards Galicia, then southwards to Madrid and Extremadura. After reaching the south of Spain, it followed the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia, Murcia and Valencia before finally arriving in Barcelona.

The design of the Torch, safety lamp and resting cauldrons was commissioned to André Ricard in August 1989. The technical team in charge of Torch logistics gradually increased in number to 170 people at the time of the relay.

The relay route was 5,940km long (4,450km on foot and 1,490km by bike), which had to be completed in 43 days. It went through 652 towns and cities and did not take in any motorways. The outcome was a total of 9,484 relays, 599 of which were done by bike.

Of the total number of torchbearers, 50% had to be Olympic volunteers across Spain. The remaining torchbearers were chosen by the councils of the towns and cities the Torch journeyed through and by the companies sponsoring the route, though some relays were set aside for people who specifically asked to become involved. The Olympic volunteers received a copy of the Torch as a gift, whereas the remaining torchbearers could purchase one at cost price.

Selected resources

La torxa i les cerimònies

COOB’92 (1992): “La torxa i les cerimònies” a Memòria oficial dels Jocs de la XXVa Olimpíada: Barcelona 1992. Barcelona: COOB’92, vol. 2, pàg. 33-52.

El disseny del pebeter

Bigas, Ramon (1991): “El disseny del pebeter”, a Jocs olímpics, comunicació i intercanvis culturals: l’experiència dels últims quatre jocs olímpics d’estiu: simposi internacional, Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona, 3-5 d’abril de 1991. Bellaterra: Centre d’Estudis Olímpics i de l’Esport, pàg. 201-203.

L'Escala acull la flama olímpica

L’Escala acull la flama olímpica [vídeo]. L’Escala: Video Play Serveis.

La Flama Olímpica: informació per als portadors de la torxa

COOB’92 (1992): La Flama Olímpica: informació per als portadors de la torxa. Barcelona: COOB’92. ISBN 8478681310

Recorregut torxa olímpica: informació actual: febrer de 1992

COOB’92 (1992): Recorregut torxa olímpica: informació actual: febrer de 1992. Barcelona: COOB’92.

In the repository

In the Municipal Contemporary Archive, you can consult the administrative and management documentation generated on this topic by the Organising Committee Barcelona’92, SA (COOB’92), Holding Olímpic SA (HOLSA), Anella Olímpica de Montjuïc SA (AOMSA) (Olympic ring), Vila Olímpica SA (VOSA) (Olympic village) and the Institut Municipal de Promoció Urbanística SA (IMPUSA) (municipal Institute of urban development).

If you need further information on the collection, read the collection guide.

In the library

In the libraries of the study centres of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation (FBO) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) you can find the selection of listed documents and other bibliographic materials on the subject.

If you are interested in knowing more about our Olympic collection, you can consult the Union Catalogue of Catalan Universities (UAB collection) or contact us by e-mail (FBO collection).

Sports in pictures

If you are interested in images of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Barcelona’92, the Image Service of the Olympic Foundation of Barcelona will help you identify the images that satisfy your needs.

The Foundation manages the official image archive of the Barcelona’92 Games. You can contact them by email to request more information about the services provided and the collection of images. In this page, we offer a selection of images on the event.